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A physics-based survival space shooter that puts you in an open space star system where you must defend your Space Station from Swarms of Amoebic Termite Goop. Survival depends on effective reinforcement of your station with Star Harvest's pixel accurate destruction. Mine for materials, craft blueprints, weapons, gadgets, Modular Rocket Packs and Accelerators, and more.

#shooter #physics #sandbox #pixeldestruction #action #survival #space #basedefense #hordedefense #indie

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Improved snow and volumetric gas which increases snow density

Almost final snow, water, gas, and lava physics in 0.5.3

Found a massive resolution bug after compiling 0.5.1, squashed it in 0.5.2.

Snow changes states to water and gas and refreezes in v0.5.1

Much improved snow physics and damage in v0.4.9. #sandphysics #snowphysics #physics #pixeldestruction #starharvest #indie #survival #sandbox

Added Snow and lava physics, can draw snow like walls but with F and shift, improved damage, improved effects. #indie #starharvest #physicsdestruction #particles #effects

Improved all weapons and projectile effects and physics. New RipperA4 Assault Rifle. #pixeldestruction #destruction #hordedefense #physics #action #update #guns

Improved enemies, improved arrow destruction and physics, better amoebic and termitic behaviors from goop, wizard spawner, better spawners, removed reclaim iron trail from percussion arrows, can salvage space station walls. 

#pixeldestruction #physics

How would you rate Star Harvest? - 1 being terrible - 5 being excellent -

  2 votes Voting finished

Improved controls, W to jump and double jump, wizard arrow knockback, satisfying block breaking sound effect. #sound #effects #pixeldestruction #hordedefense #starharvest #particles